Olive is two and a half today. How did that happen? I thought we decided to have a baby a little over three years ago. You don't realize you're having a kid when you make that decision.
I feel like Olive is on that precarious edge of becoming a kid. 2 is the year during which it seems you start with a baby at just 2 years old and end with a kid at almost 3 years old. There are parts of her babyhood that I feel like I don't even remember. Crawling? She only did that for about 4 months and it is a blur.
Parts of Olive growing up are so much fun. I feel like I have this little friend with me all the time. Someone to run errands with, eat lunch with, go on adventures with. Other parts make me sad when I think that the baby part is over and she's such a big girl now.
She still melts into my body for hugs and cuddles a few times a day. Last night as I put her to bed I was singing a lullaby and running my fingers through her hair. At one point, I kept singing but put my hand down. She reached out, took my hand and put it on her head so I'd keep rubbing her head.
My baby, my girl, my daughter.
Her first half year (July 2007):

One and a half years (July 2008):

Two and a half years:

Happy half birthday, sweet girl.