We had a full week of Halloween festivities, Olive has been very interested in all this dressing up, pumpkin carving, candy eating business.
She helped carve a pumpkin for the first time, and dug right in:

Olive dressed up as a dentist for Halloween, and she loved her costume (she borrowed gloves, a mirror, name tag and giant toothbrush from Daddy):

She checked Oscar's 2 teeth:

Took care of her patients:

Read Halloween books with a friend:

And posed with her pumpkin:
Trick or Treating was a big hit:

We even met up with some Ninja turtles (whom Olive was not so sure of, can you blame her??):

A little rain didn't stop her:

By the end of the evening, she was a pro Trick or Treater:

She is already talking about next Halloween.