Friday, August 20, 2010

Maisy Moo. What's in a name?

I'm not sure who called her that, first.

Maisy Moo.

But Olive calls her sister by that nickname a lot of the time now and it seems to be sticking!

A couple of people have asked if we're going to change the name of the blog. We're not. I like the name of the blog, and I don't want to start over. Plus, leaving something the same seems OK, a lot has changed in the last month for all of us!

Mae is one month old already! She's changed a lot and seems much older already.

Here are some things we've learned about Mae in our month together:

*She likes to be warm (hot, even!) and sleeps well in the humid outdoor air

*She dislikes the car seat VERY much, and will make sure everyone within a several mile radius knows it

*She prefers to sleep on her tummy

*She loves to eat, a lot and often

*She loves to stare at faces

*She is a sweet kiddo and fits right into this family