Saturday, May 14, 2011

Farm Party!

Olive and Mae's best buddies had a co-sibling birthday party last weekend. Wren turned 3 and Kaj turned 1. We were invited to their birthday blast at the family farm. It was so much fun!

Olive surveying all the options:

Irene painting her face:

Olive painting her face:



The crowd gathered to watch The Flyers concert:

Lunch time:

Happy Birthday, Wren and Kaj:


Well, it's mid-May now and spring has not yet sprung. We've had several nice days, but that's it. It's been cold, rainy, and not very nice.

These pictures are from Mother's Day. It was gray and cool out, and Sam was sick. We needed an outing, so I took the girls to Minnehaha Creek to explore.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Still thankful

I wrote this 2 years ago.

To Olive my love,

Thank you for letting me love you too much.

I am happy on this Mother's Day that I am learning to be a Mama from you.

I love you.

To my Mama,

Thank you for letting me love you too much.

I am happy on this Mother's Day that I am learning to be a Mama from you.

I love you.

It needs an addendum.

To my Maisy Moo:

Thank you for letting me love you too much.

I am happy on this Mother's Day that I am learning to be a Mama from you.

I love you.