It's hard to know where to start. What to say. Which moments to reminisce about. In many ways it seems impossible that it's been a year since we first met.
Maisy Moo.
Maisy Daisy.
You are such a joy. Such a joy.
Happy, engaged, funny.
And sweet. My goodness, it just doesn't get any sweeter.
In many ways your infancy was so healing for me as a Mama. Having you. A baby who was happy, accepting of other people, easy to please.
Thank you.
Thank you for coming into my life and being you.

We logged many hours rocking in the purple chair in your room this past year. The first 6 months were spent nursing at all hours of the day and night. Now rocking you at night, I look down and see your long legs hanging off of my lap, your hands grasping your beloved froggy's legs, one in each hand.
How did this happen?
How, in one year's time, have you become this child? This child who can
give kisses,
eat food,
say "uh oh",
sign "more",
climb onto chairs and up stairs?
I love watching you grow.
I love watching you laugh with your sister.
I love how happy you are when you wake up.
I love how you go to the people you love and cuddle right into them.
I love how you put your head and eyes down when you're feeling shy.
I love your curiosity and desire to explore.

I love you.
So much.
So, so much.
Happy Birthday, summer baby.