Dear Olive,
You're 5 now. Five.
I started writing you a letter on your birthday and I couldn't do it.
I just couldn't. I wasn't ready.
I'm still not ready.
But whether or not I'm ready, it's happened. You've turned 5. Watching you grow up is so bittersweet. I love seeing you turn into a little girl, and I hate seeing you lose some of the innocence of babyhood. I love seeing how amazing your thoughts are and the way you can express things to me, and I hate it when you are sassy and talk back, all of which are parts of growing up!
I feel like over the last year, as you've grown and matured, we've become good friends. We go to dinner together, we go see movies. You want to pick out your own clothes, so we shop together.
For your 5th Birthday, Daddy and I surprised you with a trip to Florida. Just the three of us. Our intended highlight was Disney World, which you enjoyed, but in true Olive fashion you bucked the norm and liked the beach day the best. Having a trip with just us was really fun.
You were so happy.
And really, what more could I want for you? I want you to be happy.
I am excited for this next year - you will start Kindergarten! Oh the adventures we are all sure to have before you turn 6.
I love you, sweet girl.