As all parents know, this is harder for me than it is for her. I've been very aware of NOT making it a big deal for her. I don't need to put my anxieties on her.
Kindergarten. It's a big deal. But why?
It is the beginning of being a real kid. A kid who is gone from her Mama all day, every day. A kid who is making friends on her own terms, learning from other adults, and choosing interests.
I am sad that our days at home together will be less often. That we won't wake up on my days off and say, "what should we do today? Zoo? Park? Museum?".
It just feels BIG. A milestone. Concrete evidence that she is no longer a baby. Or a toddler. Or even a preschooler. She's a kid now.
It just feels BIG. A milestone. Concrete evidence that she is no longer a baby. Or a toddler. Or even a preschooler. She's a kid now.
I am so proud of you. I have seen such a change in you over this summer. You've gained so much confidence. I know you will thrive in Kindergarten. You will make friends, you will learn so much, and you will continue to grow up.
I am so proud of you. I have seen such a change in you over this summer. You've gained so much confidence. I know you will thrive in Kindergarten. You will make friends, you will learn so much, and you will continue to grow up.
I am happy that you are my girl.
"I will be your home
I will be your guide
I will be your friend
always on your side
sleep now in your room
quiet of the night
surrounded by the moon
till you see the light"
("Night Mantra" by Renee and Jeremy)
("Night Mantra" by Renee and Jeremy)
Go now.
Grow up.
I love you,
I love you,