Last night we went to dinner with Irene and Laura and then to a "show", as Olive kept saying. The girls first enjoyed some cupcakes at Cafe Latte...

The "show" started out with an accordian player and an opera singer. Olive got uncomfortable right away, when the host came out to introduce the performers. She had a microphone, and Olive has ALWAYS been afraid of microphones. Don't ask me to explain it, but it's true! So she was whimpering before the singing even started. Then the opera singer started singing, and that was just too much. Olive said, "Ready to go to Offa's house now", as she whimpered some more. "No singing", and we had a full on cry. So I guess opera isn't her music genre of choice. Sam took her out in the hall until the opera was over (she stopped crying and proclaimed, "all done!" as soon as the door shut behind them!) and the dancing and sing along part started. The performers led the kids in a tango, and Olive and Irene did their best to keep up!

She ended up really enjoying the majority of the "show", they even sang "Comin 'Round the Mountain", one of her favorites.

oh my. this made us laugh so much! the fear of microphones and sadness at opera singing. olive is hilarious.