Olive is shy. She doesn't like strangers much. At Christmas, we took her to the mall to see Santa and asked if she wanted to sit on his lap. She said she did, but by the time we'd get to the front of the line she just couldn't do it (we went through the line about 8 times!). She'd start walking towards him and at the last second turn and need to be picked up. It was sad, because I think she really WANTED to, but she just couldn't muster the courage. If you told anyone she had gone to see Santa, she'd say, "Offa not sit on Santa's lap. Offa criiiiieeeeed!" in a very sad voice. She did LOVE to go to any mall and "watch" Santa and the other kids.
Well, the other day we went to the mall and there sat the Easter Bunny. Olive marched right up to that bunny, climbed into his lap and smiled on cue.

It may be silly, but I feel like this is a big step for our girl. Not known for her bravery, that one, but she did it.
Since then, Olive can't stop talking about the (10 second) experience or looking at the photo.

Happy Easter!
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