Ever since discovering the Corduroy the Bear book at Nana and Papa's house up north, Olive has really enjoyed Corduroy. For Christmas, she got 2 Corduroy books and a small Corduroy bear. By chance, I happen to check out the MN Zoo schedule late Friday night and discovered that Corduroy the bear was going to be making an appearance on Saturday morning!
Off to the zoo we went:

Waiting and watching:

Priceless reaction to seeing Corduroy coming up the walkway:

There he is:

Checking out Olive's Corduroy:

At this point, Corduroy's handlers were trying to shoo Olive out of the way so he could continue walking to his destination. But no, Olive turned her little self around, looked at Sam and me and said, "I want my picture taken with him".
OK, kiddo:

Finally, he was where he should be, so Olive went back for more chatting:

A handshake:
Maybe just one more picture:

Seems this meeting was a hit!
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