Yesterday morning, Olive and I decided it would be fun to put together a fancy tea party. A REAL tea party! I made her wait until 8am to call Nana and Papa to see if they were available for such an event. Lucky for us, they were. She invited them to tea at 10am.
We got down to business by getting Mae down for a nap, baking banana chocolate chip muffins, and very thoughtfully setting the table:

There were cookies and candies to be arranged:

An invitation was created, complete with a drawing of a teapot:

And it seemed an occasion for the fanciest of dresses, hand made by Olive's Auntie Jess (she's holding up the invitation, it seemed an important part of the whole process):

Fancy girl, ready for tea:

Her guests arrived, completely dressed up and Nana even had a fancy hat and teapot earrings (seriously, best grandparents EVER!!!):
Olive enjoying her "tea" (which was mostly milk) and a muffin:

Thanks Nana and Papa for humoring us and coming to our tea party!
That is just precious... and I really want to see those teapot earrings!!! ♥