Friday, March 18, 2011

In case you were wondering...

This blog has turned into a place where I write things down that I want to remember - whether that's just a moment, a quote, or a larger time of life. I think of this as a place to keep track of memories I want the girls to hear about.

But in case you were wondering...we're not perfect. Life is not always beautiful and easy around here. Sometimes it's loud. There are tantrums, screaming, talking back, and many frustrations every day.

There are times I wish and wish and wish for a mute button, or a privacy window in the car like I've seen in limos. It's behind the driver and in front of the passengers. I picture myself pushing the window button on the car door and that window slowly going up behind me, silencing whatever is happening in the back seat.

We live a real life. We rush to get out of the house in the morning, Olive cries over silly (to me) things, we all get frustrated at bed time. There are battles over





show watching


But all it takes for me to remind myself to take a deep breath and thank my lucky stars for a sassy, back-talking kiddo, is to go to work and see first hand what so many parents deal with

every second of every day

with their child.

We are lucky enough to experience typical.

I'll take it.


  1. Well said. That all sounds very familiar. Thanks for the great reminder, typical is amazing. We are blessed.
