When I was pregnant with Mae, I went through a couple of months of feeling incredibly guilty.
Guilty that Olive wouldn't be an only child anymore.
Guilty that she wouldn't get all the attention she was used to.
Guilty that we were adding a little person to our family, who would, undeniably, take up lots of our time.
I remember posting about these feelings on a private, online message board I'm a member of. It's a group of Moms, and we came together a few years ago as a group of cloth diapering moms, but have morphed into a group of friends.
I explained how I was feeling, looking for reassurance, and the overwhelming response from moms of two or more children started with the words...."Just wait".
Just wait until you see them together.
Just wait until you see how they interact.
Just wait until you see how the baby smiles biggest at her sister.
Just wait until you see how proud the big sister is.
Just wait.
Just wait.
I trusted them. I waited. They were right.
Worth the wait, indeed.
And I know there's more to come. As Mae gets bigger, I see such amazing glimpses of their friendship forming. As she gets more interactive they're really having fun together.
They're already becoming buddies.
They're sisters. It's the best.