I caught these sweet, bright pictures of our sleeping cutie last week when I had to wake her up to pick Olive up from preschool.
I love how her head is on her froggy.
Until now, neither of my girls has had a special "lovey". Olive sleeps with about 100 stuffed animals but isn't picky about needing a certain one.
I think Mae is getting attached to this frog. She usually holds its leg, right above the foot.

And a sweet little video of the sleeping cutie. And me trying to gently wake her up. And her continuing to sleep. Crank up the volume to hear some baby snores.
Mae's sleep is finally improving at night, too. She is now up one-ish time at night to nurse. And a couple of times she's slept all the way through the night! Life feels much more routine and normal all of a sudden.
And I like it.
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