Monday, April 27, 2009

Clean teeth!

Today Olive went to see Daddy at his office for her first check up and cleaning.  He had to make some slight modifications to his normal routing (no mask or glasses since Olive doesn't like those things), but all went surprisingly well.

Here's Olive standing on the steps to Daddy's office:

In the waiting room with the obligatory "waiting room bead toy".  Seriously, have you EVER been in a waiting room that didn't have one??

Just thought the lighting was nice in this waiting room shot:

Here we are - ready to go:

Daddy doing his thing:

Showing off her sparkly teeth:

Happy to be done:

The best part - digging through the treasure chest.  She chose 3 stamps:
Good job, Olive!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Birthday Sunday

We had a big day of birthday parties today.  We started at Wren's house where we helped her celebrate her first birthday! 

This is Wren:

The birthday attendees "helping" Wren open her gifts (and play with them):

Dancing with Wren's Momma, Ara:

We tried to get a picture of all the girls on the was difficult (not too surprising with 2 one year olds, 2 two year olds and a 3 year old!)!  This is the best I got and they all have bad red eye which I can't get rid of:

After Wren's fun party, we headed home and all took a nap.  Later this afternoon it was off to Laura, Levi and Irene's house for Levi's birthday dinner.

Here is Oscar trying out the rocking chair:

The birthday Uncle:

Silly Irene and Olive trying to share the very small rocking chair:

Olive's other cousin, Sienna, turns 2 tomorrow and we're sorry we can't celebrate with her in Montana.  We could have fit in one more party!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Dancing Olive

These aren't new videos, they're from a couple of weeks ago.  

I'm too tired for new pictures or videos.  For some bizarre reason, Olive has been waking up between the 5:00 and 6:00 hour (that would be AM) the last 2 days, and she's seemed especially like a difficult 2 year old the last few days, too.  Tantrums galore.

Here are some examples of Olive's sweet dancing skills.  I especially like the straight-legged stomp move...And her incredibly quick feet.  And the jumping!?  Isn't it great?

More dancing - and a weird ending from our strange kiddo (who is wearing Sam's sweatshirt for some reason).  I have no clue why her response is what it is...

Monday, April 20, 2009

Mud Yard

We are embarking on a big landscaping/patio project that started today.  As of now, this is what our yard looks like.  Do you like what we've done with it?

Lovely, I know.  Our landscaper is calling it the Oregon Trail.  He promises it has to get worse before it gets better.  I can't wait to post the 'after' pictures in a couple of weeks!

In other news, Olive is her father's daughter...don't you think??

Now that is one ginormous toothbrush!  Thanks, Jarren!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Nice walk

Every time we go outside, Olive says, "we're having a nice walk" about 30 times.  Ara (Olive's most wonderful childcare provider) told me earlier this week that as they walked to the park, Olive kept repeating, "we're having a nice walk", until her 3 year old companion, Luna, got annoyed and said, "OK, Olive, we get it!".  I guess she just wants everyone to know that she's enjoying herself!

Here we are having a nice walk today with Olive's doll stroller (it was her idea to bring outside - and a good one!).

Little lady in action.

It was a nice walk - Olive said so.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Busy with Easter festivities!

Olive has been busy preparing for and then enjoying Easter.

On Friday, she and her cousin, Irene, dyed eggs at Nana and Papa's house.

Getting started:

Watching the colors fizz:

The final product:

Resting with Papa after a tough day of egg work:

Irene and Olive posing with bunnies:

Easter morning, eating her first ever Peep (for breakfast):

Wearing a beautiful coat and bonnet that was my Mom's (Olive's Nana's):

First chocolate bunny:

Easter egg hunt with Irene at Nana and Papa's house:

Cute egg finders:

Surveying the loot:

Enjoying the nice weather with Irene:

Love this picture!  The pure joy...

Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Bunny!

Olive is shy.  She doesn't like strangers much.  At Christmas, we took her to the mall to see Santa and asked if she wanted to sit on his lap.  She said she did, but by the time we'd get to the front of the line she just couldn't do it (we went through the line about 8 times!).  She'd start walking towards him and at the last second turn and need to be picked up.  It was sad, because I think she really WANTED to, but she just couldn't muster the courage.  If you told anyone she had gone to see Santa, she'd say, "Offa not sit on Santa's lap.  Offa criiiiieeeeed!" in a very sad voice.  She did LOVE to go to any mall and "watch" Santa and the other kids.  

Well, the other day we went to the mall and there sat the Easter Bunny.  Olive marched right up to that bunny, climbed into his lap and smiled on cue.  

It may be silly, but I feel like this is a big step for our girl.  Not known for her bravery, that one, but she did it.

Since then, Olive can't stop talking about the (10 second) experience or looking at the photo.

Happy Easter!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dr. LaChance

Olive has been really interested in all things doctor since her hospital stay back in January.  After going to the doctor last week for an ear infection, she was reminded of stethoscopes, thermometers and otoscopes.  We decided it was time for a Dr. kit.

Paging Dr. LaChance!

Taking Pink Baby's blood pressure (yup, her name is Pink Baby).

Checking on Stanley the monkey.

And a video of her hard at work on Stanley and herself - not exactly sure the purpose of the scissor type things in the doctor kit.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Hard Core

Olive is hard core when it comes to spending time outside.  She is ready for spring just like the rest of us in Minnesota.  She has been begging to go out to her sandbox now that she can see it without snow covering it, so we've taken her out a couple times in the last week.  It is sunny, but it was COLD both of these days, and windy, too!  But she climbed right in, and immediately took off her socks and shoes.

It will be warm again someday...right!?