Monday, December 6, 2010

Random lovelies

Some things I really enjoy these days:

The way that Mae reaches her free hand up while nursing and waves it around until she finds my finger, grabs on, and settles in. All with her eyes closed.

Olive's concern with anyone smoking when we see them outside. Her related mispronunciation of cigar as "smagar".

Mae's sweet smile when she sees someone walk into her room in the morning. She lifts her head up and turns toward the door as far as she can. The way she wakes up and happily chews on her blanket or coos until we come in.

Olive's belief in all things Santa/elf related. Hearing her sing, "Fa La La La La La La La La" in the car.

This sister love:

Yup. Love them. Lovelies.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Mae has looked like this a lot of the time lately:

She is getting her two bottom teeth and can't keep her hands out of her mouth! Or anyone's hands that are close enough for her to grab onto and gnaw/drool on.

Our girls are early teethers - Mae even earlier than Olive at just 4 months old.

I think she's just trying to impress her Daddy with her mad teething skillz.