Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Olive has become very interested in watching videos of herself - so tonight she kept wanting me to take "more movies" so she could then watch them on the camera.

First up are some of Olive's singing abilities...

This is not the best rendition of Bumble Bee, she gets annoyed at the end - but it's good until then.  We can't get enough of this song - love how she says "bumbum bee"!


She also is pretty good at Twinkle Twinkle, though this rendition ends abruptly:

Here is what life is like teaching a 2 year old anything...somersaults were on tonight's agenda.  Part of me thinks she was not getting it on purpose:

She did eventually get it together:

And one of her current favorite songs from our Music Together class - Trot Old Joe:

We hope you enjoy watching Olive perform as much as she does!

Oh, and MY highlight of the day (and maybe my year), was tonight when Sam was carrying Olive by and she leaned over to give me a kiss.  She looked at me and said, "love you".  It's the first time she's said it unprompted.  Life is good.